Is Your Business/Life Out of Control?

Entrepreneurs/small business owners are saying to me, “my life, or my business, feels out of control. I’m overwhelmed.”

Does this resonate with you? Here’s a quick checklist:

  • Have feelings of panic run through your body.
  • Find it hard to breathe sometimes.
  • Anxiety causes you to feel confused, not knowing which way to turn or where to start.
  • You feel nauseous, drained.
  • You’re working so hard to build your business but at the cost of your health.
  • Your business is going well. Sometimes too well, so that it consumes every waking hour.
  • Your to-do list seems to grow overnight.
  • You’re soooo tired.

If you checked off one or two (or more), you are probably experiencing some feelings of being  out of control in your business and hence in your life. In fact, if you are an entrepreneur, someone who is trying hard to build your healing practice or small business, then many – or really, most — of you are familiar with at least one of these symptoms.

These feelings, and others like them, are part and parcel of the usual and customary symptom called overwhelm. I seldom meet an entrepreneur who hasn’t experienced overwhelm at some point as they build their business. A common word is “sacrifice.” There’s a belief that one needs to sacrifice personal freedom, health, relationships for the sake of the business that overtakes all else.

In my client sessions we tap on this issue of Overwhelm, to calm the nervous system and transform the feelings of panic and anxiety to a sense of peace.

As you become calmer, you are better able to focus and make better decisions. And of course, from the viewpoint of Law of Attraction, like attracts like. If you are sitting in overwhelm, feeling anxious and fearful, you will be attracting more of the same.

Changing your vibration, through tapping for example, you can lighten your energy and be more in alignment with what you are really wanting for your Self and your business.

So we are going to Tap on this issue. If you don’t resonate with this problem, tap along with the script anyway. You’ll still get something out of it — it’s called “Borrowing Benefits”.

This script assumes you are familiar with the EFT Tapping points. (If not, see for basic tapping instructions. Key to abbreviations are at the end.)

Oh, and scroll down to the “bonus” – the first video I did, several years ago, was on this very topic. It will give you a laugh, and maybe also be helpful.

So let’s begin with the Karate Chop (or “Side of Hand):

KC/SH:  repeat “set up” 3 times:

Even though I feel totally overwhelmed by life right now, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I feel totally overwhelmed by life and my business and all that’s going on with me right now, I deeply and completely accept myself right where I am. I’m doing the best I can.

Even though I feel totally overwhelmed, sometimes I feel like I’m drowning and can’t even breathe, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself right where I am in this moment.

TH – I’m totally overwhelmed

EB – Can’t even catch my breath

SE – How did things get this bad?

UE – I’m totally overwhelmed

UN – I can’t even focus or think

CH – I can’t make any decisions right now

CB – I’m too overwhelmed

UA – There are so many details to think about

TH – I’m totally overwhelmed

EB – I Can’t even catch my breath

SE – I feel sick to my stomach.

UE – I’m totally overwhelmed

UN – There’s too many decisions

CH – Information is flooding in, I can’t keep up.

CB – I may be in way over my head

UA – I’m just overwhelmed

TH – Maybe I could stop and take a deep breath

EB – Maybe for just a moment I could imagine taking charge

SE – And see how it might feel if I were more in control

UE – Maybe things are overwhelming me

UN – Because I’m not taking time for myself

CH – What if I just stopped for a little while

CB – And had a cup of tea

UA – I might find that I can overcome my overwhelm and Breathe.


Take a deep breath. Let yourself find a way to take care of you – to breathe and take little breaks throughout the day. And Tap with this script as often as you want. Notice how much calmer you might feel.

If you are building your business and are having a difficult time attracting the right clients who can pay you for your services, then Tapping through this script can make a very positive energetic shift!

Good luck, and Keep Tapping!

Bonus: Check out this old video of me Tapping on Overwhelm! LOL

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