What in the World is "Tapping"? (EFT Made Plain)

Tapping. EFT. Emotional Freedom Techniques.

These are terms for one of our most powerful self-help tools. I first learned about EFT in 1999, during an advanced hypnotherapy class. I thought of myself as open-minded, an embracer of energy techniques, but this, I thought, was way beyond my belief system.

I rejected it.

A few months later, in early 2000, I was struggling with pain from two frozen shoulders. It was like acid rolling down my arms. Here’s where it gets woo-woo: a little voice in my head said, “try that tapping thing.” The pain helped to get me out of my way, so I opened up my notebook, followed the directions, and tapped on the physical pain as well as the humiliation of the fall I had taken that got me the frozen shoulders in the first place.

(Take a deep breath.) It took 18 minutes and the pain was gone. I kid you not! It hasn’t returned, 21 years later!!!

My conversion to an EFT devotee had occurred. I was transformed into a Tapping evangelist, urging all my friends, family, and clients to Tap. I had so many successes with clients and their phobias that I practically put my hypnotherapy practice out of business!

What is It?

EFT/Tapping is a tool based on the ancient Chinese acupuncture system of meridians, and modern psychology. It works directly on the amygdala, in the front portion of the brain, to reduce cortisol levels that cause stress. The cool thing is that it has scientific studies behind it, some of which you can read about here.

WHO (the World Health Organization) has called stress the health epidemic of the 21st century.  It has many triggers, including panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, decreased motivation, chronic pain, weight gain, and depression. Listening to the news, looking at your bank account, job worries, just daily life is stressful. Tapping is scientifically proven to reduce stress which lowers cortisol resulting in improved sleep patterns, feeling calm, lessens pain, increases productivity, and much more than can be explained here.

We are currently living with a raging pandemic.  Stress has become almost a normal part of our daily life, but it lowers the immune system, reducing your ability to fight off viral attacks.

Tapping actually raises your immune system by lowering stress!

And here’s the really cool part: it’s so easy, even kids can use it! That’s right. All that’s required is two fingers and knowing where to tap, and anyone can experience Emotional Freedom. Many feel an immediate calming affect.

What Do I Do?

Try it right now. Use the first two fingers of either hand and Tap on the top of your head or any of the Tapping points in the diagram on this page.

Check in with yourself. How does that feel?

You probably are experiencing at least a slight shift in your energy. Maybe a bit more relaxed?

(If you find yourself yawning, it’s normal. It’s one sign that the Tapping is working.)

Are you ready to explore your inner landscape with Tapping? Emotional Freedom can be yours. It’s so simple, yet it works. 

If you’re unsure what is best for you, let’s have a coffee date and chat about it.

Make an appointment here!

Or, jump over for more info and to book your session(s).

Emotional Freedom Here!

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